Baby teeth require the same care as permanent teeth. That is why in the CADENT Dental Center we provide our youngest patients with care in the field of: prevention, conservative dentistry, endodontics, surgery.
Prevention in pediatric dentistry is not only about learning how to clean your teeth properly. It is also fluoridation which aims to strengthen newly wrung out permanent teeth and protect them from the carious effect of bacteria. Moreover the prevention covers cyclic reviews which should be carried out every 4 months after the treatment is completed.Dentists in our Centre pay also attention to potential orthodontic problems in children (malocclusion) and refer children to orthodontic treatment.
Conservative dentistry
In the CADENT Dental Center our youngest patients receive special attention. Therefore, dentists put great emphasis on prevention and regular check-ups. In properly treated pediatric dentition - both baby, mixed and permanent - the risk of pain is low.Little patients may choose from colourful fillings (seals). Girls usually choose pink, purple, orange, gold, silver colours, whereas boys blue, green, yellow and sometimes white one.
Sometimes due to the extent of the carious defect or insufficient cooperation with the little patient, it is not possible to develop the carious defect fully. Then a temporary dressing with remineralising, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is applied and the next visit is arranged within a few weeks to several months.
However, it may happen that the caries cavity is so extensive that a baby tooth is inflamed or dead. Then, depending on the little patient’s age and his or her willingness to cooperate, further decisions are made together with the patient’s parent to keep the tooth in the mouth. The most advanced, but also the most predictable decision, is the root canal treatment of a baby tooth. Such a tooth must meet certain requirements to be qualified for this procedure. Any decision to treat a baby tooth is first thoroughly discussed with the little patient's parent. The patient's age, current condition of the tooth and the possibility of cooperation with the little patient are taken into account.Surgery
Extraction of a milk tooth is a big stress for most little patients. The most common reason for this is a erupted permanent tooth which is unable to position itself properly in the dental arch due to the milk tooth that has stayed in this area. When fear makes surgical treatment impossible, we consider giving laughing gas or nitrous oxide - read more. Extractions of milk teeth are performed under surface anaesthesia (anaesthetic gel) or under saturation anaesthesia (with use of a needle).
Marzena Biegańska, MD
Dental surgeon
Dental surgeon