
Professional teeth cleaning is not only to keep health of your teeth but also to improve their natural white, smooth and shiny appearance.

Prevention of caries

Prevention of diseases of teeth and gums is the simplest and cheapest method of their treatment. The most common tooth disease is dental caries. Its formation is influenced by the following factors: bacteria in the oral cavity, substrates necessary for their nutrition, the appropriate period of time for the reaction to occur and the susceptible tooth on which this reaction takes place. The above causes demineralization of the enamel and further deposition of bacterial plaque which consequently leads to caries. To prevent the disease elimination of one of the factors shall be enough. The only possible way to avoid this reaction is to prevent the bacteria from using the substrate supplied with the food, which is most often simple or complex sugars as well as to remove thereof within a reasonable period of time.


Varnishing procedures are performed by the dentist in the dental office with use of specialist preparations. Although they contain high concentration of fluorine, they are safe for patients' health - they bond quickly and adhere well to the tooth surface, releasing small amounts of fluorine. Before painting, the dentist thoroughly cleans the surface of teeth with a toothbrush and then applies the preparation on dry and cleaned teeth with a special applicator. The varnish hardens in the environment of the oral cavity creating a transparent membrane. The advantage of fluoride varnishes is their long lasting effect on the tooth surface.

  • high risk of caries in children over 6 years old;
  • bad dietary habits in adults;
  • wearing braces;
  • use of removable dentures;
  • exposure of tooth necks;
  • initial caries;

The varnish treatment is performed depending on the inclination towards caries. On average, varnishing is performed twice a year, that is every 6 months. In case of higher susceptibility to caries, the treatment is performed 4 times a year, so every three months. However, it should always be remembered that each treatment and indications thereto shall be consulted with a dentist.


The furrow sealing procedure has been performed as a routine prophylactic treatment for several years. It applies to premolar and molar teeth because the anatomical structure of the occlusal surfaces of these teeth due to the presence of deep fissures and fissures, favours the retention of bacteria that colonise the fissure at the moment of tooth extraction already.

These deep and winding furrows are not rinsed by saliva and are not sufficiently cleaned up during hygienic procedures.

The toothbrush bristle is usually larger than the furrow diameter, so it is impossible to reach the furrow deeply. Due to such construction the accumulation of bacteria causes the development of uncontrolled caries.

The sealing procedure is completely painless. It is performed by a dentist who first cleans the tooth from any deposits and then isolates it from saliva. After the tooth is dried, the sealant is introduced into the furrow. Finally, it is polymerized with halogen light and shaped to fit the jaw and mandible. In individual cases, when the previous sealing has fallen out or the furrows were unsure in diagnostics terms, extended sealing is applied - consisting in gentle opening of the furrow with a drill.

Indications for sealing:
  • completely ejected fixed molars (first of all the first fixed molars - 6, which eject as first fixed teeth and are to serve us as long as possible);
  • molars and premolars with deep furrows;
  • molars and premolars in disabled children (problem in maintaining proper oral hygiene);

The effectiveness of the sealing procedure depends on many factors, among others: the procedure technique, preparation and responsibility of the person performing the procedure and the anatomical conditions of the tooth, the degree of tooth extraction, the type of occlusion, the humidity of the tooth during the procedure.

The indications for sealing should be considered individually, taking into account the degree of caries risk, nutritional and hygienic habits. However, the decision should be always made by a dentist. The sealing of the first permanent lateral teeth should be done as early as possible, during the first 6 months after the tooth cutting.